FIFA’s Big Bosses Award Themselves Increased Salary, World Cup Bonuses

Pay rises and bonuses have increased for top officials of FIFA, Sepp Blatter, Jerome Valcke and Markus Kuttner. They are in the office for past five years.

FIFA's Big Bosses Awards Themselves Increased Salary, World Cup Bonuses

However, the self-awarded pay rises and World Cup bonuses appear to break Swiss law that is amounting $80 million, but FIFA lawyers said Friday evidence will be given to American and Swiss federal prosecutors too to help into the investigation of corruption inside the world soccer body.

Bill Burck of Quinn Emanuel law firm said, “The evidence appears to reveal a coordinated effort by three former top officials of FIFA to enrich themselves through annual salary increases, World Cup bonuses and other incentives.”

Last year Valcke was paid $2 million as base amount for salary before getting fired. He also received a $10 million bonus for 2014. Currently he is due for $11 million from the 2018 tournament in Russia.

Kattner was fired last week. On Thursday police raided his office seizing documents and electronic data which are yet to be examined.

Last September criminal proceedings were also opened against Blatter. The same was repeated for Valcke earlier this year in March.

According to Swiss attorney general Michael Lauber the two are suspected of criminal mismanagement of FIFA money.

However, the two have denied of any wrongdoing.

Currently Blatter is banned for six years and Valcke for 12 years.

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