Facebook To Rollout Adverts In Messenger App

Monetizing policy is being more focused at Facebook and lately it is learned the Facebook Messenger app to get advertisement too.

The world’s largest social media company said the adverts will be on a testing phase now and clicking on it would either take the user to the website f the advertiser or open another chat window to interact directly for a business chat.

A stat reveals Facebook gets 85 percent of its ad revenue from mobile app.

Considering there are more room for advertisers on its network the tech giant will roll out advertisement programs on its main Facebook social network, on the Facebook Messenger, the Instagram and also on WhatsApp.

As of now only WhatsApp is completely free from adverts.

However, it is yet to see how users of Messenger react to the adverts hanging on the home page.

To keep things cool Facebook said users can even hide specific ads, but surely would be unable to stop those completely.

The demand for advertisements from advertisers is more on Facebook and Twitter as the world is highly populated by ad-blocking through browsers.