Facebook Announces Donate Now Button For NGOs

Facebook[NASDAQ:FB] announced on Monday rolling out a new Donate Now button for the non-profit organizations. It will be joining the previously available options such as Book Now, Contact Us, Shop Now and Learn More.

Facebook Announces Donate Now Button For NGOs

The new Donate Now button will be made available in link ads as well as the Pages. With this NGOs will be able to connect easily with those who care about their causes and wish to contribute some fund of their choice to encourage them.

On clicking the Donate Now button, the donor will be notified with an important statement from Facebook saying they are not endorsed or affiliated to the particular non-profit organization. After clicking a Continue option on it users will be taken to the website of the organization.

It is important to note the newly announced Donate Now button is different from the Donate feature that the social giant launched in 2013 after associating itself with WWF, American Red Cross and other major non-profit organizations.

In the Donate feature visitors complete the donation process on the platform itself without being taken out to an external website.

Facebook recently has been testing several new features such as revamped profile pages for mobile, LinkedIn-like[NYSE:LNKD] profile tagging, live streaming and Instant Stories.