Exercising After Studying Helps Having Good Memory: Study

In a new research it is found working out for about four hours after studying helps in improving long-term memory. It also helps in retaining new information.

Exercising After Studying Helps Having Good Memory- Study

The study has been conducted by experts from Donders Institute in the Netherlands’ Radbound University Medical Center. Details of it are published in the Current Biology journal.

In the finding the experts say better memory recall could be seen after 48 hours among those people who exercise four hours following a learning task.

However, the experts also point out exercising immediately after completing learning task may not have good impact on memory retention.

More than seventy people had participated in the study. All were given a 40-minute task to complete. They were asked to view 90 images and learn the associated locations.

All the subjects were segregated in three groups like exercising immediately after task, exercising four hours after task and those who didn’t pretake in any physical activity.

Memory recall test after two days of practise as per their group the researchers found those who exercised immediately after the task had good memory.

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