Deaths From Terrorism Hiked 650% In 2015 In Developed Countries

The developed countries are more prone to terrorism attacks lately compared to other parts of the world. New figures reveal 2015 was more dangerous than couple of previous years and there was massive increase in deaths too.


The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) 2016 figures reveal there was an increase of 650 percent in fatal terror attacks last year in developed nations.

On the other hand it is also learned the terrorism activities have fallen globally. The number of deaths has declined by 10 percent to 29,376 due to terrorism in the same year.

The OECD countries including United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Turkey saw 731 deaths related to terrorism. In 2014 the number of deaths was just 21 from only one attack and most of the victims were in France and Turkey.

There are a total of 32 countries in OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).

In 2015 the worst attacks were experienced by Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria.

Fewer deaths were reported in Iraq and Nigeria compared to earlier years due to military success against ISIS and Boko Haram Islamist groups, but simultaneously increase was seen in neighboring states and regions.

The GTI report added global economic impact of terrorism amounted to $89.6 billion in the same year.