Death Rates Slowed Down From Heart Disease, Cancer, Diebetes In America: Study

Death rates from cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and injuries have lowered in America, reports a new study conducted by American Cacner Society.

Death Rates Slowed Down From Heart Disease, Cancer, Diebetes In America- Study

The researchers collected federal mortality data from 1969 to 2013 and analyzed trends of death rates by measuring the number of deaths per 100,000 people in a given year.

The study also found deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) increases dramatically between the same periods.

COPD is a debilitating disease and is usually caused by smoking.

Details of the new study were published on Tuesday in the JAMA journal. It writes deaths from all causes dropped about 1.3 percent a year and in total the decline is 43 percent.

The report further detailed the deaths from heart disease dropped by 68 percent, from stroke by 77 percent, from injury by 40 percent, from cancer by 18 percent and from diabetes by 17 percent.

Dr. J. Michael McGinnis from National Academy of Medicine said more effort is required by community and individual as well to see further decline in future.

He added the drop in death rates is due to advances in medical care and technology as well. Now people have access to better control of high blood pressure, reduction in cholesterol levels and also reduction in use of tobacco.