Couples Sharing Equal Duties In Childcare Enjoys Better Sex Life: Study

In a new study it is found those couples who equally take care of their children enjoy better sex life.

The new finding was presented today at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. It was said if the women performed over 60 percent of the childcare, the couples were least happy in terms of their sex life.

The childcare talked here includes praise, setting and implementing rules and also punishing if rules are broken.

The authors said it is important for men to keep themselves engaged too in the childcare to benefit in the overall relationship.

The researchers at Georgia State University studied data of more than 900 heterosexual couples. It was led by Daniel L. Carlson who said the egalitarian arrangements helped the couple to enjoy much sex and also to be satisfied with the amount of sex they had.

Carlson added that is it very important for men to be engaged in childcare.

However, in the study it was also found when men undertook most of the childcare, the women exhibited greatest overall satisfaction with the sex lives, and men said just the opposite that it was lowest overall.