Coronavirus: China seeks international help amid shortages of medical equipment

China is in urgent need of protective medical equipment to fight against coronavirus, which is highly contagious and more than 17,000 people are infected of it.

Amid the coronavirus outbreak medical personnel have reported shortages of protective medical equipment in the densely-populated country of about 1.4 billion.

Foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said, “What China urgently needs at present are medical masks, protective suits, and safety goggles.”

The equipment factories in the country are capable of producing about 20 million masks a day. Several countries including Kazakhstan, Hungary, Japan and South Korea have donated medical supplies.

According to industry ministry, authorities are trying to bring masks from United States, Japan and Europe.

Meanwhile, China has detained a 36-year-old woman in northern municipality of Tianjin after she had deliberately concealed her contact with someone who was from a coronavirus-stricken area. The woman is surnamed Liu.

Coronavirus emerged in Wuhan city and the death toll soared past 360 on Monday. The country has implemented strict transport curbs in the area.

In 2002-03 SARS outbreak 349 people were killed.