Climate Change Could Lead To Increased Flight Turbulence: Study

In a new study it is found climate change can also lead to increase in flight turbulence and the risk of injury will henceforth to rise too for future airline passengers.

The research was conducted by atmospheric scientist Paul Williams of the University of Reading. He said the climate change condition resulting with flight turbulence could also increase the costs of fuel and maintenance for carriers.

Williams added atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations rise can cause some changes in the jet stream too over the North Atlantic flight corridor and this will result in the spike in air turbulence.

The research work further adds if no effort is made in reducing the concentrations the turbulence cases will increase by about 59 percent by the middle of the century.

Williams continued, “We’re particularly interested in severe turbulence, because that’s the kind of turbulence that’s strong enough to hospitalize people.”

Such algorithms forecasting is required as it can help the flight pilots in avoiding turbulent patches

However, the research didn’t investigate effects on lighter or more severe degrees of turbulence.

More parallel studies are under progress by several other scientists group to learn the effect of climate change on earth and its atmosphere.