China Shuts Poultry Markets Fearing Further Spread Of Bird Flu Virus

The poultry markets in China to see an immediate downfall. Chinese government has urged the local authorities to shut down live poultry firms in several selected areas which are affected by the H7N9 bird flu virus.

A statement from the cabinet reveals 79 people were killed last month due to H7N9 bird flu virus.

The chicken prices last week saw the lowest level in over a decade following warning from global health authorities a more severe form of bird flu has evolved.

China is learned to have detected an evolution in the H7N9 virus and experts believe it can cause severe disease in poultry.

Even though the virus has shown no or little clinical symptoms in birds until now, but it has been highly pathogenic in humans.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang highlighted rising death toll on Thursday in a cabinet meeting and has urged the local authorities to take immediate action again the virus and shut down poultry markets.

He also added the country will monitor the bird flu and also the live poultry transportation.

In China people prefer more of chicken as it is a cheap alternative to pork, but lately the demand has declined due to rising concern of bird flu.

Data reveals the January death toll due to the virus was four times more than the same month in 2016.