Chicago elects first gay African-American mayor

First time in the history of Chicago a gay African-American woman has been elected as mayor, defeating chief executive of Cook County, Toni Preckwinkle.

The 56-year-old Lori Lightfoot won the Midwestern city’s mayoral race with a wide range of 74 to 26 percent in early voting results. She is a former federal prosecutor and practice lawyer by profession.

She will become the first African-American woman to become a maoyr in Chicago and also first openly gay mayor.

Before Lightfoot the city has elected just one black mayor and one female mayor.

Political science professor at the University of Illinois in Chicago, Evan McKenzie, said the polls seem to be a rejection of political establishment in the city at mayoral level.

Lightfoot said, “People (are) hoping for something different to come along. To be the vessel for that is overwhelming.”

The race consisted of fourteen contenders and Lighthood emerged to become favorite with her promises to clean up Chicago government as well as reduce economic inequality. The final two left were she and Preckwinkle.

Lightfoot has also promised to increase affordable housing, boost oversight of police department and fight homelessness and crime.