Cannabis Kinetics Corp. to Launch Re-Branded Monarch America Social Media Strategy

Cannabis Kinetics Corp. (“Cannabis Kinetics” or the “Company”) (pending name change to Monarch America Inc.) is pleased to announce the Company’s plan to launch its re-branded social media presence and strategy.

“Re-branding our established social media presence as Monarch America and implementing an effective pro-active social media strategy will be an important factor to our success going-forward as we communicate our new expanded multifaceted business model, particularly outside the marijuana sector,” stated Eric Hagen, CEO of the Company.  “This integrated social media strategy will engage with our current and potential customers, partners, retailers, distributors, and the investment community to build and maintain a positive image of Monarch America as we launch new exclusive consumer products and brands, potentially expand into new markets across the country, and identify further possible partnerships and targeted acquisitions.”

Hagen concluded, “Our social media friends and followers have the opportunity to receive the latest company news, discuss Monarch America brand products and services, view exclusive photos and videos, and connect with important new product launch information.  We are confident that this coordinated social media strategy will help to build awareness for Monarch America and support the Company’s mission to become an innovative corporate and community leader.”

The Company anticipates providing new website and social media links through its current website over the next 72 hours and in subsequent press releases.

Cannabis Kinetics Corp. (pending name change to Monarch America Inc.) files reports with the Securities & Exchange Commission on EDGAR and anticipates continuing to file such reports.  The Company’s filings can be viewed at