Canada Welcomes Refugees While US Bans For 90 Days

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has restated the open-door policy of the country for refugees following executive order of United States President Donald Trump to ban travelers coming from six Muslim countries for 90 days.

Taking to social media Trudeau tweeted, “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith… Diversity is our strength.”

In one of the photos shared on social network he is seen with a Syrian refugee child who have just arrived to Canada. The picture is captioned as “#WelcomeToCanada.” More than 224,000 Twitter users have reshared it.

Trudeau took office in 2015 and one of his main priorities since then is to accelerate the entry of refugees from Syria.

Trudeau’s press secretary Cameron Ahmad said the prime minister may discuss with Trump the success of Canada’s immigration and refugee policies when they speak next.

Two cabinet members of Trudeau’s administration came to Canada as refugees. Both were born in the same countries that has been marked by Trump as ban.

Trump has banned travelers coming from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia.

More than 100 people have been detained at various American airports after arriving from the named Muslim countries. It is not known how many people tried entering the country after the issue of ban order.