Cameron Rejects Brexit Repoll Petition

There will be no re-polling to Brexit, said British Prime Minister David Cameron. He rejected the signed petition of over 4 million people saying the country must respect the original June 23 referendum in leaving the 28-member European Union (EU).

Cameron Rejects Brexit Repoll Petition

British foreign office said UK should now prepare for the exit process that the government is committed to 52 percent of people who favored Brexit in the poll.

It is reported many of the voters regretted their decision after witnessing fall of global markets immediately when the news of Brexit broke and experts predicted other dire consequences may take place.

According to the poll majority of the young voters supported to be a part of the EU.

After the poll Cameron announced to be stepping down in October saying a new leader is required to usher through the transition.

Statement released by the British foreign office said the referendum was one of the biggest democratic exercises in the history of the country in which more than 33 million people had their say.

The signed petition for re-vote argue the turnout was less than 75 percent and the Remain or Leave vote came out below 60 percent, so another referendum is needed.

However, in the Britain’s EU Referendum Act nothing has been mentioned about minimum threshold for voter turnout.

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