California Gov. Orders Citizens to Stay at Home

California residents have been ordered to stay at home by the officials on Thursday. Governor Gavin Newsom addressed the media and disclosed the requirement amid the coronavirus outbreak. 

He sought support from the California citizens in this fight against covid-19. “We need to bend the curve in the state of California,” Newsom said, “There’s a social contract here, people I think recognize the need to do more … They will begin to adjust and adapt as they have been quite significantly. We will have social pressure, and that will encourage people to do the right thing,” he said.

Newson further addressed that the decision is in favor of the citizen only and must be taken seriously to prevent further spread of the virus. “Home isolation is not my preferred choice … but it is a necessary one …This is not a permanent state, this is a moment in time.”

As per the order, all the restaurants, gyms, clubs, other public places would be shut down until further notice. Essential businesses such as pharmacies, grocery businesses will be allowed to operate in the state. 

Newsom said that he needs the support of doctors and researchers to put this matter to death. He also specified the current scenario of hospitals and other such services in the state of CA.

 “We have 416 hospitals in CA, but within the hospital system we have a capacity to surge beyond the 78,000 currently staffed beds by an additional 10,000,” Newsom said. “If we change our behaviors that inventory will come down, if we meet this moment, we can truly bend the curve.”

“It’s now just time to absorb and recognize that we need to change our behaviors in a way that meets this moment and allows a recognition that this moment will pass,” he added. 

“The supply chain must continue, and Californians must have access to such necessities as food, prescriptions and healthcare,” He said “When people need to leave their homes, whether to obtain or perform the functions above, or to otherwise facilitate authorized necessary activities, they should at all times practice social distancing.”

“In the last 24 hours, we had 126 new COVID-19 cases, a 21 percent increase. In some parts of our state, our case rate is doubling every four days,” We believe the virus will impact about 56% of California’s population … You do the math, that’s a particularly large number … We believe with a 20% hospitalization rate, that’s about 19,543 people that would need to be hospitalized – above the existing capacity of our system.”