British PM Theresa May Not To Attend EU Summit

British Prime Minister Theresa May is learned not to be attending the 60th anniversary bash of EU summit next month in Rome, Italy.

The decision is rational as the primary focus of it would be the future of European Union and the United Kingdom as the country will be leaving the bloc after the Brexit process is over.

May meanwhile has vowed to be initiating the Article 50 for the withdrawing of EU by the end of next month and the anniversary EU summit is scheduled to be held on March 25.

However, it is also learned Italian officials have asked the British counterparts not to initiate Article 50 at such time and spoil the summit.

EU diplomat said, “The door was open, but the response was, ‘We don’t think it is appropriate for us.'”

Meanwhile, European Union Financial Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said the British economy would be moderate in 2017 and weaken up further in 2018 while the Brexit talks are in progress.