Britain MP Jo Cox Shot And Stabbed To Death

British MP Jo Cox was shot and stabbed to death earlier today outside a library near the city of Leeds.

Britain MP Jo Cox Shot And Stabbed To Death

A 52-year-old man has been arrested in the connection but the motive for killing is yet to be known.

Sky News and the Guardian cited witnesses revealing the man shouted “Britain first!” during the attack and even after it.

Britain First group stages provocative anti-Muslim demonstration in the country.

However, statement released by the far-right group on its official website reads they don’t have any involvement in the killing of the British lawmaker.

Witnesses said the assailant waited for Cox outside the library in Birstall. First he targeted her with a homemade or antique gun and thereafter with a knife. He continued stabbing even after Cox had fallen to the ground in bleeding condition.

Cox was airlifted and taken to hospital in Leeds but was declared dead.

Gun attacks are rare in Britain and attacks against MPs are also not very usual. The last MP killed was Conservative Ian Gow. Irish Republican Army planted bomb under his car in 1990.

Cox was 41-year-old and has two children. She was elected last year in May and was a senior adviser to the Freedom Fund. She had been outspoken in Parliament about more protection to be given to Syrian civilians.