Brexit Favored; Britain Votes Leaving EU; Global Markets Shockwave Seen

People in Britain has taken a historic decision, voted to leave European Union (EU) and offering the biggest blow to the European project of greater unity since World War II.

Brexit Favored; Britain Votes Leaving EU; Golbal Markets Shockwave Seen

The European Council President Donald Tusk meanwhile has warned Britain as separating could threaten “Western political civilization.”

Washington Post writes Sweden, Denmark, Greece, The Netherlands, Hungary, France and Scotland could be the next countries leaving EU.

The decision favoring Brexit now represents biggest political establishment shock in Britain and across Europe as well and leadership of Prime Minister David Cameron could be challenged.

Cameron may address the nation later on Friday from Downing Street.

The Ukip leader Nigel Farage said it is UK’s independence day and the referendum is a “victory for real people, a victory for ordinary people, a victory for decent people.”

Every region outside of London in England voted to leave EU and the highest vote came from West Midlands with 59.11 percent people favoring Brexit. The Londoners voted against Brexit with 59.94 votes.

Following the news of leaving EU the euro slumped more than 3 percent against dollar.

UK is the second-largest economy in the EU and fifty-largest in the world.

Do share your views whether you are favoring Brexit or opposing it. Also, do comment how the global market would be affected after Britain divorcing EU.