Breast Feeding Reduces Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Study

Breast feeding reduces the risk of progressing to type 2 diabetes, says a new study.

Breast Feeding Reduces Type 2 Diabetes Risk- Study

Details of it are published online on the website of Annals of Internal Medicine. It writes women who had gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) about two years ahead of pregnancy and now has given birth would be less at risk of developing the diabetes by about 50 percent.

The study was led by Erica Gunderson, PhD., a senior research scientist at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California. The team has found association between the two factors and not how breast feeding causes lowering of type 2 diabetes development.

Gunderson said the policy in their study was to focus on the breast feeding efforts to high-risk women either those who have GDM or are obese.

The team studied more than 900 moms having GDM during pregnancy and had given birth. It was found twelve percent of them developed type 2 diabetes.

The women were categorized into five groups and it was found those who exclusively breast-fed had a 54 percent lower risk of developing diabetes compared to those women who only used formula.

However, according to Dr. Aaron Caughey, women who are at higher rates of pregnancy complication may have less attention to focus on breast feeding.

Dr Caughey is from Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine in Portland.