BREAKING: Paris Under Terror Attacks; More Than 150 Dead; Stadium, Concert Hall, Restaurant Targeted

At least 153 people have been killed in France capital Paris in multiple coordinated attacks Friday night when thousands of residents and tourists were enjoying a soccer match between France and Germany at the national stadium and music of American group Eagles of Death Metal band at the crowded Bataclan theater.

BREAKING: Paris Under Terror Attacks; More Than 150 Dead; Stadium, Concert Hall, Restaurant Targeted

Latest report confirms eight extremists were dead after the attacks, seven of them in suicide bombings.

A total of six locations were attacked with guns and bombs.

According to a witness the attackers entered the Bataclan concert hall firing rifles and should Allah Akbar. More than 100 were left dead inside the hall. It was a bloodbath across it. The gunmen shot aggressively at music lovers for about 15 minutes.

People were also attacked in Le Petit Cambodge restaurant A woman was shot in the chest along with 13 other. There was bloodshed all around.

Le Petit Cambodge is a Cambodian restaurant.

The American citizens concerned about their families and friends in France can contact on below two numbers:

From Paris and elsewhere – 001-202-501-4444
In the US and Canada – 1-888-497-4747

A state of emergency has been announced. Hospitals staff were called to handle the injured. Police leave has been canceled. A terrorism investigation has been launched.

ISIS meanwhile has claimed responsibility of the attacks.