BREAKING: Deadly ISIS Terror Attack Kills 13 In Barcelona

At least 13 people have been killed and more than 100 injured in Spanish city Barcelona on Thursday when a white van mowed into crowds in the historical Las Ramblas district.

Spanish Prime Minister called the deadly attack as jihadi terrorism and British PM said United Kingdom stands with Spain against terror.

International Islamic terror organization ISIS has claimed responsibility of the attack.

The attack took place at around 4.50 p.m. local time when the driver slammed a van into a crowd of pedestrians in the heart of the city centre, one of the busiest streets of Barcelona. Witnesses described the scenes as panic and chaotic with bodies strewn along the boulevard.

Referring to the pedestrianized area a local resident said, “It (the van) wasn’t slowing down at all. It was just going straight through the middle of the crowds in the middle of the Ramblas.”

According to regional interior minister Joaquim Forn the van attack killed 13 people and injured more than 100 others.

SITE Intelligence Group said the propaganda agency of ISIS, Amaq, claimed soldiers of the jihadist group carried out the attack.

Amaq said, “The executors of the Barcelona attack were soldiers of the Islamic State.”

Emergency services immediately responded to the scene with ambulances and police vehicles, and the area was cordoned off. Metro stations were shut down in the area and people were asked to remain away from the area. Police also appealed to the people to stay at homes and to avoid unnecessary trips.