Boston University Researchers Find Diet Drinks Risk Stroke, Dementia

If you are habituated of consuming diet drinks every day this summer to quench your thirst, it is high time to discontinue the habit. A new study finds it may risk you to stroke and dementia even though many believe the can is healthier compared to sweetened drinks.

Researchers from Boston University studied more than 4,000 adults over the age of 45 and found the diet drinks are not healthier alternative and it is strongly suggested to stick to water or milk.

The researchers didn’t find any link between sugary beverages and either the stroke or dementia, but even it is not encouraged to drink those either.

Diet drinks account for a quarter market of the total sweetened beverages.

Details of the study are published in Stroke journal of the American Heart Association.

The researchers suggest such diet drinks encourage obesity as it triggers sugar receptors in the brain and this finally make an individual crave for sweet food.

Matthew Pase from Boston University School of Medicine said it is highly recommended to drink water instead of sweetened beverages.

Earlier studies revealed those adults who are obese or overweight tend to consume sweetened beverages.

Pase added, “Although we did not find an association between stroke or dementia and the consumption of sugary drinks, this certainly does not mean they are a healthy option.”