Best Milk Powder Substitute You Must Try Out

Milk is something that everybody loves to have in their daily breakfast. But having fresh milk in countries like the United States of America and other best countries is a very daunting task. This is the reason why dry milk, which is also known as powder milk, is very famous among them. Powder milk is made by removing the water and moisture from normal cow milk aur goat milk. There are various types of milk made from different types of milk, like goat milk, camel milk, coconut milk, and caramel milk. Low mustard content in powdered milk does not need to be refrigerated, and it can be used for a longer time. But nowadays, people who are following vegan diets and other types of diet are not recommended to have normal dried milk powder. So you need to use a milk powder substitute. 

To use dry milk powder, you need to mix it with water, and you can use it like regular milk. Nowadays, people are using milk powder as a substitute for thickening liquid-based foods. One can use it with soups and sauces. I love to use it with caramel and chocolate candy recipes as if I use normal milk; the final product might be too thin. Many research types have shown that cow milk powder is not suitable for those who are avoiding dairy products or cow dairy products due to some intolerances, allergies, and personal preferences. They might use some different milk powder substitute. 

Best Milk Powder Substitute

Below mentioned are some of the best milk powder substitutes that one can use as an alternative to regular dried milk powder. These below mentioned substitute options might vary from other sources as these are collected from different certified researches. one can use any of the below mentioned milk powder substitutes according to their personal preferences and medical history. 

Regular Milk

Now you might think that how regular milk can be a milk powder substitute. Regular milk is the best substitute for any reconstituted milk powder as dry milk is just the solid part of regular milk. The most important benefit of taking regular milk is that it has a natural flavor and nutritional content. And to be precise as these both qualities are present in the powdered milk also. 

According to researchers, one cup of whole milk may provide 20 percent of daily calcium value, 8 grams of fat, 149 calories, eight grams of protein, and 12 grams of carbohydrates. And if we compare it with the whole fat milk powder, ¼ of whole fat milk powder may provide you 8 grams of fat, 8 grams of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrates, and 159 calories, 22 % of daily calcium value. Habib regular milk also has liquid content and so it is easy to use directly. One main use the regular milk and those recipes which require liquidity in them. Recipes like soups and baked goods may not need regular milk in them. You should avoid using regular milk as it might make your recipe too wet or soggy. You can understand it by this example as ¼ cup of dried milk powder is equivalent to 1 cup of regular milk. The main difference is water or liquid content in the milk; the lesser amount of water will be used in dried milk powder. 

You can use reduced-fat whole fat and nonfat milk as an alternative for milk powder. But one should keep this in mind that if the amount of fat content in milk is high, then the final product will be richer and creamier. 

Liquid Non Dairy Alternatives

With the coming of dairy-free or vegan diets, people are more inclined towards nondairy products. When it comes to the alternative of dry milk or milk powder, the best alternative for milk powder is almond milk, oat milk, or soya milk. You should use liquid milk alternatives with only those recipes that needless additional water. All the data are equally the same as 1 cup of milk alternative is equal to ¼ cup of dry milk. You can also use these alternatives for milk powder to replace the buttermilk powder. For this, you need to combine one cup of milk alternative with 1 tbsp of lemon juice or vinegar. Now let the mixture sit for 7 to 10 minutes. After the proper setting, one can use it in their recipe by just simply adding it. These all liquid nondairy alternatives are plant-based milk. They provide several types of nutrients and different flavors. Using plant-based liquid nondairy alternatives is totally dependent up to your taste buds. 

Coconut Milk Powder

I have seen many people getting confused between desiccated coconut and coconut milk powder. The desiccated coconut is the shredded and dried flesh of the coconut, while the coconut milk powder is is the coconut milk or cream, which is made by a spray drying process. A quarter water cup of coconut milk powder may provide you 8 grams of carbohydrates, 20 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein, and 240 calories. You should know that coconut milk powder contains a high amount of fat in it. The coconut milk powder is also used as a substitute for whole fat milk powder while cooking. I prefer using them in sauces soups and curries. 

As we discuss that it is higher in fat than a whole feed milk powder, so good coconut milk can be used for better-baked goods. Coconut milk is the best alternative for milk powder for those who are searching for the best natural vegan milk powder as it is lactose-free and dairy-free at the same time. However, you should always look for sodium caseinate, which contains milk-derived protein; many brands and companies use sodium caseinate with coconut milk powder, so you should not buy the one that contains sodium caseinate. You can buy coconut milk powder easily on the internet or in the supermarket nearby you. Coconut milk can be substituted for milk powder as one to one ratio. 

Soya Milk Powder

Soya milk powder is another big name in the list of good dairy-free alternatives for milk powder. Soya milk and powdered milk are similar in many ways as soya milk, and powdered milk contains the same nutrition, and soya milk has every long shelf life. Soya milk is considered better than any other non-dairy alternatives. In a quarter cup of soya milk, you may get 8 grams of protein, 4% of calcium daily value, 3.5 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrates, and approximately 90 calories. Soya milk can be used as a substitute for milk powder in one to one ratio. You can use soya milk in any recipe, even in baked goods also. I love to use this plant-based protein milk in homemade smoothies and granola bars. You can buy soya milk powder on any platform however you can go with online or just shop at the next supermarket nearby you. 

Rice Powder

For people following a vegan diet or are allergic to Soya for dairy and lactose intolerant, rice powder is the best option. Rice powder is very much similar to soya milk powder as rice powder also has a long shelf life. It is a plant-based alternative for milk powder, and it can be used nearly in any recipe in the equivalent amount. However, one should keep this in mind that rice powder is more sweeter than milk powder, so try to use them with sweet dishes. The list of dishes might include baked goods, desserts, smoothies, and granola bars. I also use it as powdered coffee creamer as it is a non-dairy substitute. Soya milk and milk powder have almost every nutrient in it, but rice powder mainly comprises carbohydrates and has a very low amount of fat, protein, and calcium. One-fourth cup of rice powder may provide you 0 grams of fat, 3 grams of protein, 1% of calcium daily value, 31 grams of carbohydrates, and finally 140 calories. Many people complain that they cannot find rice powder in their nearby supermarket, so I would suggest you to get rice powder at online stores. 

Cashew Powder

This one is my favorite, as everybody loves to have nuts in their breakfast. This makes cashew powder the best choice as a milk powder substitute. These nut powder are generally used in the place of regular milk; powdered milk powder mimics the best creamy flavor of original milk powder and sweet texture. Cashew powder can replace the original milk powder in one to one ratio. Nut powders work best in lots of dishes like smoothies, savory recipes, granola bars, and baked goods. One should keep this in mind that you should blend the powder with any liquid like water in a blender while making recipes like soups. This process gives the cashew powder more smoother consistency. One-quarter Cup of cashew milk powder provides you 20 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fat, 3 grams of protein, and approximately 140 calories. Many people complain that they cannot find rice powder in their nearby supermarket, so I would suggest you to get rice powder at online stores. 

Final Words

Milk powder is the best alternative for those people who cannot buy regular fresh milk. It is not so expensive and a non-perishable ingredient, so one can easily afford them. The milk powder is very lightweight and has a long shelf life. Milk powder can also be used for baking goods or Savory recipes so that the final product may become thicker. And if you are allergic to dairy products or do not like to have milk powder, You may use milk powder substitutes like rice powder, soya milk, oat milk, coconut milk, and liquid non-dairy alternatives. 

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