Barcelona Van Attack Driver On the Run; Manhunt Launched

Driver of Thursday’s attack in Spanish city Barcelona is still alive and on the run, and a manhunt has been launched, said police.

The 22-year-old Moroccan-born Younes Abouyaaqoub killed 13 people and injured more than 100 by mowing a white van into crowds in the historical Las Ramblas district when it is a start of vacation season.

Spanish Prime Minister called the attack as deadly and jihadi terrorism.

Islamic terror organization ISIS claimed responsibility of the attack, which took place at around 4.50 p.m. local time in the heart of the city center. Witnesses described the scene as chaotic and full of panic. Emergency services immediately responded with police and ambulances vehicles. The area was cordoned off and metro stations were closed too.

Police had earlier said 17-year-old Moussa Oukabir was the primary suspect and the driver of the van, but later updated the information saying he was one of the five men killed by the security people after a later attack in Cambrils, west of the city Barcelona.

The other two named among the five attackers in Cambrils were 18-year-old Said Aallaa and 24-year-old Mohamed Hychami.

The current suspect lived in the town of Ripoll from where three other people have been arrested including Oukabir’s brother Driss.

One person has been arrested from Alcanar too.

Spanish police chief Josep Trapero said to local TV one of his officers killed four attackers single-handedly.

Meanwhile, only five dead have been named and below are the names:

American Jared Tucker, 43
Canadian Ian Moore Wilson
Spaniard Francisco López Rodríguez, in his 60s
Italian Bruno Gulotta, 35
Italian Luca Russo, 25