Bangladesh News Portal Sacks Photographer Over Kiss Photo

A pic of kissing couple shared on social media led the Bangladesh photographer to become victim of “unwanted cruelty” in the conservative Muslim-majority country.

According to news portal Purboposhchimbd the company’s photographer Jibon Ahmed may have staged the kiss image and so was “not fit” to work for them.

Meanwhile, Ahmed has protested his innocence saying the image was not staged and he has proof of it. In his Facebook post he alleged to have been “exposed to unwanted cruelty.”

He added, “I never ever believed that one click would create so many stories. Today due to this photo the social and mainstream media media are flooded with false and true stories about me.”

In the photo a couple is seen seated on the steps of Dhaka University campus and kissing in monsoon rain. Jibon shared the photo on his Facebook page captioning as “Songs of rains — let love be free.” The news portal used the viral photo too.

Meanwhile, his photo was highly praised on social media giving a gesture of social freedom, but in conservative country a question arises whether his snap has breached public decency. Media commenters on the other hand has asked Jibon whether he has sought the permission of the couple to publish the photo.

Jibon said other photographers have put up the question why he published such a kiss image. He added, “They asked me why did I shoot the photo. One of them slapped me during the quarrel,” he told AFP. “I said it was a symbol of pure love.”

Purboposhchimbd editor Khujista Nur-e-Naharin said Jibon has been asked to take legal action against other photographers but he has not appeared for discussion.