ATMs Dispenses Microbes Too Apart From Cash: Study

ATM machines are source of cash but do we know those are also source of microbes that are found on our skin, in bathrooms, kitchens, pillows, chicken, fish and mold from baked goods.


A new study reveals after researchers studied samples from the keypads of 66 ATMs in New York City.

Director of the Center for Genomics and Systems Biology at NYU, Jane Carlton, said the keypads integrate microbes from different sources.

Carlton is also the senior author of the study. He said most of the microbes have come from unknown sources and then from restrooms or televisions.

However, the researchers were able to identify microbes that came from human skin, faces, noses and ears.

In the Manhattan area the microbes were identified to have come from baked goods as probably those came from people who had recently handled baked goods.

Details of the study are published in the mSphere journal.

Share your views too with us and fellow readers what precautions can be taken while visiting ATM machines and not get contracted with such microbes. Also, what can be the policies of government to avoid transferring of such microbes from one person to another through ATM machines. Use the below given comment box.