Are You Familiar With The Best Combat Feats Pathfinder? Then, Check Out These Best Ones!

The Best Combat Feats Pathfinder

This article will be a general introduction to the best combat feats pathfinder system. The combat feats are how you make your character more skilled at fighting. Combat feats allow for a particular specialization in combat styles, weapons, and armour that is not provided by the character’s core class alignment. It is because of the way these feats interact with class abilities and use limitations that people with these traits alone cannot override. 

The most significant advantage to using combat feats over advancing your class (such as taking levels in fighter) is that you can still advance your core class (such as wizard) even if you decide to specialize in one particular style or weapon type later on. For example, a fighter can be a threat at any range. But if you never advance your character’s fighter class and decide to take levels in ranger later, then combat feats gained from that ranger level would not be able to be used with the fighter’s weapon specialization ability. 

A combat feat always overrides a typical class trait (such as weapon specialization). Still, it is not powerful enough to functionally replace an epic class ability (such as greater weapon specialization) unless stated otherwise in the description. Therefore, players should consider if they want their character to be well-rounded or specialize in specific areas before choosing what type of combat feat they wish to take at each progressive level of play.

Improved Initiative feat

As the name implies, this feat increases a character’s chances of acting first in a combat situation. Improved initiative takes advantage of the initiative bonus that a character gets for being on alert. If your character is surprised or assumes a defensive posture, the improved initiative will not work; even if you have become aware of any threats, the action will still not be taken first.

Familiar feats

The Best Combat Feats Pathfinder has two significant ways to get a familiar: charming and finding a familiar spell. Some familiars eventually grow into magical creatures as they gain levels, with varying degrees of power based on their type and breed; others never advance beyond their initial forms (though they may gain other powers). Either familiar can learn spells and use the spell-like abilities associated with their kind.

A familiar does not have to be a unique creature; any good-aligned beast that is at least large and non-intelligent is acceptable. A familiar uses its statistics (including size, Armor Class, Hit Points, speed, and so on) except as noted here.

New/Improved Feats

Epic Pathfinder introduces some new feats that many players look forward to unlocking and using in PFS and home games. A character must have at least 1 level of fighter to qualify for the following feats.

Improved Combat Superiority feat

This feat allows a character to automatically confirm a critical hit using his combat manoeuvre bonus to attack against a creature that has been denied its Dexterity bonus to AC (or negated with the Combat Reflexes feat). A melee attack action granted by the Improved Critical feat can be used more than once in a round. The character’s extra attacks are made at his highest base attack bonuses, regardless of whether they are primary or secondary attacks. If one or more of these attacks also hits an opponent, then one or more of those opponents provokes attacks of opportunity from the character.

Hammer the Gap

In these The Best Combat Feats Pathfinder grants you a +4 bonus on attack rolls with weapons that deal bludgeoning damage if you hit the same target with two or more attacks from such a weapon in your turn. The character can use this tactic against opponents threatened by multiple opponents on either side or protected by spell effects, such as a shield, against opponents that use spells or abilities that provide cover.

Improved Feint feat

This feat allows a character to feint in combat as a move rather than a standard action. The opponent’s AC is reduced by an amount equal to the character’s Bluff skill check result. This feat applies only to feinting with a melee or ranged weapon (including sling, blowgun, and bow); if the character uses a weapon with both types of attacks (such as a sword), this feat can be used either before or after the attack roll.

Point Blank Shot

Characters with this feat reduce the usual penalties for shooting or throwing into melee. For example, if you use a composite longbow, usually, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls for shooting arrows into the melee. However, with this feat, you only take –2 instead of –4 to attack rolls when making ranged attacks against an opponent within 30 feet.

Precise Shot

This feat allows you to increase your chance of hitting whether or not you have the prerequisites for this feat. You can make one extra attack with a bow or crossbow as a full-round action, but only if it’s your turn. (Those without Rapid Shot may use a speed weapon instead.) People must make the extra attack with the same weapon against the same target as the original attack. You still can’t make an additional attack if there are no valid targets in range.

Improved Precise Shot

This feat allows you to increase your chance of hitting whether or not you have the prerequisites for this feat. You can make one extra attack with a bow or crossbow as a full-round action, but only if it’s your turn. (Those without Precise Shot may use a speed weapon instead.) People must make the extra attack with the same weapon against the same target as the original attack.

Intimidating Prowess

Attacks made by characters with this feat are considered to have the Improved Intimidate feat for demoralizing opponents. Intimidating Prowess increases the duration and effect of any fear or morale effects on your opponent from the Intimidate skill check. It can make your character much stronger in combat against other non-professionals.

Focused Shot

Pathfinder’s best combat feats allow you to make a single ranged attack at a –5 penalty, provided you have the usual range increment associated with your weapon. If this attack hits, it deals double damage, and all following attacks are made at a –1 penalty (thus providing you with a +1 bonus to hit). It would help if you decided to use this feat before making the attack, and it applies only to the personal attack, not to the entire round of attacks.

If you are wielding a weapon with more than one range increment (such as scatter or reach weapons), you can move before and after your attack, but you must stay within those weapon’s full range increments to use this feat. You may also combine Focused Shot with other ranged combat options (such as Point Blank Shot).

Greater Scatter

This feat allows you to use a ranged weapon to scatter your opponent’s ammunition while firing your own. All of your opponent’s ammunition is scattered if you are hit with two or more attacks from a fire-based ranged weapon. The type of ammunition doesn’t matter as long as it can be used by people with that type of ranged weapon. It does not scatter unattended objects (such as quivers or sacks) and does not affect creatures immune to fire damage (such as felines). You must use an action to make this attack since this feat requires you to make two separate ranged attacks, one for the actual fire damage and another for scattering the enemy’s ammunition.


Wrapping up the article, The Best Combat Feats Pathfinder: Phew, that was quite a monster of a post. After reading it, you might be at the point where you say, “I need more feats!” Well, you came to the right place! I will be adding more feats periodically as my players find them and as I find new stunts that they like.