Apple’s Market Value Down By 5.5%

Finally the money-making machine is not making such a huge money for Apple. The iPhone’s sales figure stood 74.8 million during the all-important holiday quarter of 2015.

Apple's Market Value Down By 5.5 percent

Apple says the sales of iPhone may fall to $50 billion in the upcoming quarter. In the same quarter a year ago the sales was $58 billion.

However, Apple CEO Tim Cook said it is not to worry as some newly discovered softness in China may help in the growth.

He added the company now sees some economic softness signs in Greater China and most is in Hong Kong comparing the slowing economic growth of Brazil, Japan, Canada and Russia.

Apple is also planning to double down its investment in India citing strong sales in recent years.

The Cupertino company is also working on some shiny new products including larger iPad, second-generation Apple Watch and also a much-rumored electric car.

In past few years of 2016 the market value of Apple has fallen by more than $30 billion or 5.5 percent.