Annual Chinese Festival In Yulin City Petitioned To Stop As Dogs Meat Are Eaten

Thousands of dogs are expected to be slaughtered at the annual Chinese festival starting June 21 in Yulin city, southern city of China.

Annual Chinese Festival In Yulin City Petitioned To Stop As Dogs Meat Are Eaten

Animal rights activists have filed a petition at the representative office of the city in Beijing with 11 million signatures calling for an end of such slaughter and eating of dog meat.

Banners and pictures were unveiled by the activists showing animals and accompanying a slogan as “I’m not your dinner.”

Meanwhile, supporters of the festival argue dog meat is good for health during the hotter season and is no different from eating any other meat.

The pictures of caged or slaughtered dogs posted online have outraged people and organisations calling to stop such festival. Celebrities including British comedian Ricky Gervais and US actor Ian Somerhalder, too have started backing the rights group.

The Yulin government had earlier in 2014 distanced itself from the annual festival saying it is organized by private business people and they didn’t offer any kind of support to it.