Al-Shabab Storms Hotel In Somalia Capital; Takes Hostages

A group of gunmen stormed a hotel buildings no of Nasa-Hablod near the KM-4 junction of Somalia’s capital Mogadishu on Saturday and have taken hostage several guests.

Al-Shabab Storms Hotel In Somalia Capital; Takes Guests Hostage

It is not yet clear how many hotel guests have been taken hostages by the gunmen of al-Shabab group.

Police captain Mohamed Hussein said a suicide bomber first detonated an explosives-laden vehicle at the main gate of Nasa-Hablod hotel and it was followed by another explosion inside the building.

Hussein added the gunmen hurled grenades and fire machine guns to the security forces.

Two of the gunmen were killed by the security forces. Both deployed snipers on the rooftop.

Meanwhile, the al-Shabaab militant group said its fighters were still engaged with security forces.

The police added attackers took positions behind the blast walls and sandbags.

One of the hotel guests said the attackers were shooting at everyone they could see and he managed to escape through the back door.

The attack has come during the holy month of Ramadan. It has been seen for past few years the Al-Shabab step up attacks during Ramadan.

Earlier this month another hotel was stormed by gunmen in the capital and 15 people were killed including two members of parliament.