Al-Shabaab Kills 3 Teachers, Attacks Primary School In Kenya

Terror outfit al-Shabaab killed three teachers after attacking a primary school, the Qarsa School in Wajir County, on Friday in northeastern Kenya.

The terror group is an al-Qaeda-affiliated organization which operates in Somalia. The attacked school is about 175 kilometers (109 miles) from the town and on the border area of Somalia and Kenya.

Kenyan police has confirmed the attack and killing saying, “We’re not sure what their motive was, but they attacked the school early in the morning, killing three teachers and wounding a couple of others, who are suffering from gunshot wounds.”

A police officer from the area said improvised explosives were planted by the attackers on the road leading to the primary school to make the situation challenging for police team and ambulances to reach the place of attack faster.”

According to Wajir County police commander Mohamed Sheikh one of the vehicles was hit by an IED while trying to reach the school and damaged but the officers are in good condition.

Al-Shabaab is highly active in most parts of Somalia and has carried out several attacks in neighboring country Kenya calling for the withdrawal of the troops of East African nation from the country.

The East African troops serving in Somalia are part of an African Union force. In April 2015 al-Shabaab killed more than 140 students from Garissa University in northern Kenya. The deadliest attack was highly criticized and condemned by international community. Attacking police stations and looting police weapons as well as vehicles are common.