Airbnb Announces Free Accommodation For Stranded Refugees

The travel restriction of President Donald Trump has been criticized from across the world and seems across industries too. Airbnb has come up with free accommodation offering to those who have been left stranded due to the ban executive order.

Airbnb chief executive Brian Chesky said those refugees who are in need to housing should contact him directly.

He added, “Not allowing countries of refugees into America is not right and we must stand with those who are affected.”

Meanwhile, several other US tech firms too have expressed alarm over travel restrictions issued by Trump administration from seven Muslim countries and those are Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia.

The US technology companies employ Arab and South Asian immigrants in thousands.

Netflix chief executive Reed Hastings said the executive ban of Trump is hurting it employees around the world and also it is so un-American.

Hastings added, “Worse, these actions will make America less safe rather than more safe.”

A US judge has also issued a temporary halt to refugees deportation. If believed to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), about 150 people are being detained at airports or else in transit.