Afghanistan’s Kunduz City Again Under Taliban Control

The tug of war in Afghanistan’s Kunduz between White House and Doctors Without Borders the Talibans have gained advantage. On Tuesday the Taliban forces have been able to retake the northern part of the city.

The common white flag of Taliban’s was seen hanging at Chowk Square and it is reported too half of the Kunduz is now under the Taliban control.

The colors of the flag here have changed several times since last fall.

The Cinema Square too, which is in a short distance away from Chowk Square, is now under Taliban control.

Senior security officials and the residents confirmed fights between the Taliban forces and the Afghan army have continued.

According to a report published in The New York Times, many residents of the northern part of Kunduz were seen moving towards the south along the highway. They were in cars, trucks, motorized rickshaws and whatever vehicle they could avail. Many were with their whole families.

The highway traffic was scant towards Kunduz but was heavy going towards the south. However, the government has claimed life in the city is returning to normal.

Meanwhile, the residents came out yesterday to buy necessary household items in secure environment, said spokesman for the Ministry of Interior.