No Mass Shooting In Australia For Past 20 Years

There had been no mass shooting in Australlia for past twenty years and the reason may probably be the strict gun laws that was passed then.

No Mass Shooting In Australia For Past 20 Years

More to this, the overall deaths from firearms too have dropped since the law was passed in 1997.

According to the law, certain semi-automatic and pump-action weapons have been banned in Australia and owners were forced to sell those to the government.

Simon Chapman of the University of Sydney and colleagues said, “Following enactment of gun law reforms in Australia in 1996, there were no mass firearm killings through May 2016.”

In 1996 a 28-year-old Martin Bryant killed 35 innocent people and injured 23 others in a mass shooting.

Before the law was passed, thirteen fatal mass shootings occurred in Australia between 1979 and 1996.

One study reveals the gun-related homicides dropped by 7.5 percent per year after the strict gun law was passed.

A researcher specializing in gun violence at Johns Hopkins Universit’s Bloomberg School of Public Health, Daniel Wwbster, said it is very much a doubt that United States could also do anything similar.

Webster added, “Political, cultural, and legal challenges make it highly unlikely that the United States would implement comparable policies.”