4 Healthy and High Energy Foods That You Must Include In Your Diet

Claire Virga, MS, and Rdn of Rooted Wellness foundation say that a balanced diet is essential for keeping oneself healthy, energize, and immune for life long. If one consumes healthy and nutrients rich foods on a daily basis, help you maintain your body and keep you away from any sort of disease. 


  1. Fortified Milk and Foods: Fortified foods are one of the healthiest types of foods for vegetarian diet followers. They are fortified with the essential vitamins and minerals that are not available in the original food. These are the best options for vegan diet followers too. Virga stated that “Foods like cereals, non-dairy milks, and vegan spreads are often fortified with vitamin B12. Fortification of foods involves adding a nutrient to a food that is not naturally occurring in the food.”
  2. Yeast (Nutritional Yeast Flakes): This is also the best food option for vegan and vegetarian diet followers and contains lots of essential vitamins and minerals in good amounts. One can use them for topping on their snacks as they taste creamy and cheesy. Virga explains that “Nutritional yeast is often fortified with vitamin B12, but the vitamin content varies by brand, so it’s important to check the ingredient list to ensure it contains the vitamin.”
  3. Yogurt: Yogurt is the natural source of probiotics that one can have. Nutritionists suggest that yogurt is the best food for keeping your gut health and its functioning properly. You don’t need to make yogurt at home, and you can also buy dairy-based yogurt. One can have yogurt with fruits and veggies as part of their evening snack.
  4. Any Type Of Cheese: Virga advises that “One ounce of Swiss cheese contains 0.9 micrograms of B12, which equates to approximately 38% of the DV of B12,”