65 Million People Displaced In 2015 Due To War In Countries Like Syria, Afghanistan: UN

In 2015 the number of refugees and internally displaced figure rose to a record high to 65.3 million, revealed a report issued by the United Nations.

65 Million People Displaced In 2015 Due To War In Countries Like Syria, Afghanistan- UN

Earlier to last year, the highest number was in 2014 after World War II. About 60 million people were displaced and the reasons were conflict in several countries like Syria and Afghanistan.

The UN has urged leaders from Europe and other countries to put more efforts in ending the wars.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, said if the leaders don’t solve the problems, the problems will come to them.

Grandi added, “I hope that the message carried by those forcibly displaced reaches the leaderships: We need action, political action, to stop conflicts.”

The UNHCR report adds 24 people had been displaced every minute or 34,000 a day in 2015.

In 2005 the figure was 6 people displaced every minute. Since 1997 the global displacement has almost been twice and since 2011 it has risen by 50 percent.

The Syrian war kicked off in 2011 and it is revealed half of all the refugees come from Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan.

Turkey hosted about 2.5 million people in 2015 and almost all the refugees were from Syria. Pakistan hosted 1.6 million and Lebanon 1.1 million.