1 In 3 UK Babies Born In 2015 To Develop Dementia In Life: Study

British researchers have come up with a study that says 1/3rd of babies born in 2015 to develop dementia in their life, either sooner or later. They also say there is a need for new treatments to it to tackle the condition.

1 In 3 UK Babies Born In 2015 To Develop Dementia In Life- Study

The early symptoms of dementia are finding difficulty in concentrating and forgetting things. In later stages the condition may also affect the basic physical functions of the patient like swallowing or walking.

In UK there are about 850,000 people suffering from the condition.

According to Dr. Mathew Norton, head of policy for Alzheimer’s Research UK, people are now living longer than their previous generation and hence there is a chance of developing dementia.

He and his team studied life expectancy projections that were earlier published by the Office for National Statistics. It revealed 27 percent baby boys and 37 percent baby girls born in 2015 may develop the condition in their life.

Researchers say the number of cases could drop if effective treatments are developed.

The new study has been appreciated by the scientific community. A drug treatment meanwhile is under process that may help in improving the condition of dementia patients.

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